Advanced School Sub-Committee 2023 - 2025
The ISN Advanced Schools offer a unique opportunity for young neuroscientists to meet experts from all over the world, to learn about latest discoveries and to discuss own research projects with faculty members. Traditionally, the Advanced School will precede the ISN Biennial Meetings.
Christian González-Billault (Chair), Chile
Shane Liddelow (Co-Chair), USA
Haesun Kim (Local-Chair), USA
Caroline Rae (ISN President, ex officio), Australia
Alessandro Prinetti (ISN Treasurer, ex officio), Italy
Babette Fuss (ISN Secretary, ex officio), USA
Oliver Kann Germany
Victoria Rozes-Salvador, Argentina
Joao Relvas, Portugal
Marina Mikhaylova, Germany
Jordi Duran, Spain
Sarah Gordon, Australia
Vladimir Parpura, China
Carina Soares-Cunha, Portugal
Ben Emery, USA
Dana McTigue, USA
Timothy Kennedy, Canada
Taylor Schmitz, Canada
Eduardo Sequerra, Brazil
Nouria Lakhdar-Ghazal, Morocco
Tetsuya Takano, Japan
Carlos Manlio Díaz García, USA
Biennial Program Committee 2025
The major functions of the Program Committee are to nominate and award plenary lectures, to score and select proposals for symposia, workshops and satellite meetings, in addition to the selection of speakers for Young Scientist Colloquia and Young Members Symposia. The committee also ensures that there is appropriate coverage of all aspects of modern Neurochemistry and that regional and gender balance are maintained across the meeting program.
Maria Pia Abbracchio (Program Chair), Italy
Cheah Pike See (Past Program Chair, 2023), Malaysia
Caroline Rae (ISN President, ex officio), Australia
Alessandro Prinetti (ISN Treasurer, ex officio), Italy
Babette Fuss (ISN Secretary, ex officio), USA
Michael Nichols (ASN President, ex officio), USA
Steven Barger (ASN Treasurer, ex officio), USA
Donna Osterhaus (ASN Secretary, ex officio), USA
Andrew Lawrence (JNC EiC, ex officio), Australia
Christian González-Billault (ex officio), Chile
Jessica L. MacDonald, USA
Sergio T. Ferreira, Brazil
Astrid Cardona, USA
Michael Kreutz, Germany
Kenji Tanaka, Japan
Shengzhou Wu, China
Shane Liddelow, USA
Mychael Lourenco, Brazil
Eugenio Barone, Italy
Alfred Njamnshi, Cameroon
Selva Baltan, USA
Career Development Committee 2023-2025
ISN is committed to the support of its young members and their career paths. The Career Development Committee oversees two initiatives which aim to provide a forum for the exchange of expertise between scientists at early career stage and established ISN scientists as well as providing support for young ISN members to help establish themselves as independent scientists. These schemes are competitive, open to those from any country to which ISN is able to provide funding and aim to support members of ISN who have shown longer term commitment to the society.
Constanze Seidenbecher (Chair), Germany
Caroline Rae (ISN President, ex officio), Australia
Alessandro Prinetti (ISN Treasurer, ex officio), Italy
Babette Fuss (ISN Secretary, ex officio), USA
Vania Prado (CAEN, ex officio), Canada
Joao Duarte, Sweden
Jean-Pierre Mothet, France
Patricia Maciel, Portugal
Orly Reiner, Israel
Rommy von Bernhardi, Chile
Hamadi Fetoui, Tunisia
Gustavo Ferreira, Brazil
Om Ijomone, Nigeria
Itsuki Ajioka, Japan
Mychael Lourenco, Brazil
Marta Antonelli, Argentina
Vedrana Montana, China
Committee for Aid and Education in Neurochemistry (CAEN) 2023-2025
The ISN Committee for Aid and Education in Neurochemistry (CAEN) pursues several initiatives intended to stimulate neurochemistry research in regions of economic deprivation and in developing countries. CAEN provides funds for young scientists from developing countries to spend some time in a laboratory abroad to learn new technical or conceptual expertise, to purchase research supplies, to attend workshops/training courses/satellite meetings or for the organisation of workshop/small schools in developing countries. Applications are examined by CAEN and are granted on a competitive basis according to the CAEN guidelines.
Vania Prado (Chair), Canada
Caroline Rae (ISN President, ex officio), Australia
Alessandro Prinetti (ISN Treasurer, ex officio), Italy
Babette Fuss (ISN Secretary, ex officio), USA
Akio Wanaka (CC, ex officio), Japan
Constanze Seidenbecher (CDC, ex officio), Germany
Cheah Pike-See, Malaysia
Margaret Ho, China
Helena Janickova, Czech Republic
Alberto Javier Ramos, Argentina
Itsuki Ajioka, Japan
Erhard Bieberich, Germany
Tiago Outiero, Brazil
Elias Utreras, Chile
Nina Vardjan, Slovenia
Conference Committee 2023-2025
The ISN Conference Committee (ISN-CC) provides financial support for the organisation of small conferences on specialised neurochemical topics and sponsors ISN neurochemistry symposia within meetings of other scientific societies or groups.
ISN will support up to 25,000 USD for a small conference and up to 8,000 USD for a symposium within meetings of other societies or groups in the neuroscience field, as long as these are advertised as an ISN Symposium. Formal applications may be submitted twice a year (before April 30 or October 31) from My ISN member accounts.
The committee also awards the Young Scientist Lectureship Award (YSLA) at the ISN Biennial Meeting
Akio Wanaka (Chair), Japan
Caroline Rae (ISN President, ex officio), Australia
Alessandro Prinetti (ISN Treasurer, ex officio), Italy
Babette Fuss (ISN Secretary, ex officio), USA
Vania Prado (CAEN, ex offico), Canada
Ago Rinken, Estonia
Joao Duarte, Sweden
Constanze Seidenbecher, Germany
Judy Sng, Singapore
Ricardo de Melo Reis, Brazil
James Olopade, Nigeria
Camila Scorticati, Argentina
Julia Clarke, Brazil
Jagannatha Rao, Panama
Kensuke Ikenaka, Japan
Hui Chen, Australia
Finance and Advisory Committee
The ISN Finance and Advisory Committee was generated by ISN Council in 2018 by fusion of the previous ISN Finance Committee and the previous ISN Standing Rules Committee. Members of the ISN Finance and Advisory Committee are the previous ISN Presidents (previous ISN Secretaries and ISN Treasurers) as well as the current Officers of ISN. As the ISN Finance and Advisory Committee combines exceptional expertise, this committee has the main function to give advise to the current ISN Officers and the current ISN Council on financial, administrative and political strategies to help ISN to further promote neurochemistry on a global scale. In addition, the ISN Finance and Advisory Committee will regularly review the updates of the ISN Standing Rules.
Flávia Gomes (ISN Past President, Chair), Brazil
Alessandro Prinetti (ISN Treasurer, Chair), Italy
Caroline Rae (ISN President, ex officio), Australia
Babette Fuss (ISN Secretary, ex officio), USA
Ralf Dringen, Germany
Monica Carson, USA
Alois Saria, Austria
Philip Beart, Australia
Peter R. Dunkley, Australia
David Shine, USA
ISN - JNC Flagship School
The ISN-JNC Flagship School is a unique, high quality educational event bringing together around 40 young scientists (PhD students and postdocs) from around the world with eminent international speakers for one week to take part in scientific lectures, discussions, and poster presentations. This initiative of the ISN and its journal, JNC, aims to provide advanced state-of-the-art education for young neuroscience researchers who will be selected through a competitive process. The school is a biennial “flagship” of ISN’s global education program. Distinguished researchers in the field are invited to present recent breakthroughs and future directions in neuroscience and discuss with the selected young scientists.
Ralf Dringen (Executive Chair), Germany
David Nutt (Scientific Chair), UK
Dimitra Mangoura (Local Chair), Greece
Caroline Rae (ISN President, ex officio), Australia
Alessandro Prinetti (ISN Treasurer, ex officio), Italy
Babette Fuss (ISN Secretary, ex officio), USA
Flávia Gomes (ISN Past President, ex officio), Brazil
Andrew Lawrence (JNC EiC, ex officio), Australia
Anthony Turner (ex officio), UK
Ago Rinken (ex officio), Estonia
Rogerio Panizzutti, Brazil
Raffaella Molteni, Italy
Parry Hashemi, UK
Ana Maria Sebastião, Portugal
Antonis Stamatakis, Greece
Yukiko Goda, Japan
Peter Hamilton, USA
Seema Tiwari-Woodruff, USA
Karin Borges, Australia
Publication Committee 2023-2025
The Publications Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the Council in all matters concerning publication activities of the Society. The Committee is currently composed of the Chairperson, the 3 ISN officers (ex officio), the Chief Editor(s) and the Deputy Chief Editor for reviews. The Chairperson is appointed by the ISN President after consultation with the other Officers and approval by Council. The Chair is selected on the basis of their publishing experience and detailed knowledge of the Journal and Society operation. The role of the Publication Chair is to interface between Officers, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, to report annually to Council and provide regular updates for the ISN Newsletter.
Anthony Turner (Chair), UK
Michael Cousin (Incoming Chair), UK
Caroline Rae (ISN President, ex officio), Australia
Alessandro Prinetti (ISN Treasurer, ex officio), Italy
Babette Fuss (ISN Secretary, ex officio), USA
Andrew Lawrence (JNC EiC, ex officio), Australia
Alyson Fournier (JNC DEiC), USA
Schools Initiative Committee 2023-2025
The Schools Initiative Committee provides financial support for the organisation of neurochemistry schools worldwide, with a focus on emerging nations.
ISN schools have the purpose of providing an environment in which to enhance the technological experience, gain knowledge on the latest developments in neurochemistry, and foster interactions among scientists worldwide with the aim of increasing scientific exchange, collaborative research and training opportunities.
Ago Rinken (Chair), Estonia
Caroline Rae (ISN President, ex officio), Australia
Alessandro Prinetti (ISN Treasurer, ex officio), Italy
Babette Fuss (ISN Secretary, ex officio), USA
Cheah Pike-See, Malaysia
Christian González-Billault, Chile
Marzia Perluigi, Italy
Brahim Nait Oumesmar, France
Xiongwei Zhu, USA
Sara Xapelli, Portugal
Kanae Ando, Japan
Carlos Wilson, Argentina
Peng Lei, China
Leonor Perez-Martinez, Mexico
James Olopade, Nigeria
Travel Grant Committee 2023-2025
The Travel Grant Committee aims to assist the participation of ISN member applicant women and men, especially young members in ISN conferences and other international activities. Applications for ISN conferences may be submitted as per the announced deadlines; new applicants will be preferred over those who have recently received such support and parallel requests for special assistance (such as additional support for enabling childcare during the conference) will be considered favourably.
Joao Duarte (Chair), Sweden
Caroline Rae (ISN President, ex officio), Australia
Alessandro Prinetti (ISN Treasurer, ex officio), Italy
Babette Fuss (ISN Secretary, ex officio), USA
Jean Pierre (ex officio), France
Katherine Roche, USA
Pablo Paez, USA
Kanae Ando, Japan
Zila Martinez-Lozada, USA
King-Hwa Ling, Malaysia
Patricia Garcez, Brazil
Elena Blanco-Suarez, USA
Aimaan Saab, Switzerland
Giuseppe Gangarossa, France
Jasmin Lalonde, Canada
Marina Garcia-Macia, Spain
Vittorio Maglione, Italy
Naoko Kaneko, Japan
Pilani Nkomozepi, South Africa
Young Scientist Steering Committee 2021-2023
The YSSC represents the members of the next generation of ISN. We make sure that the needs, opinions and ideas of students, PhD-students and Postdocs, in the first 5 years of their academic career, are heard and communicated to the council and officers. To help to create and constantly improving all kinds of support, offers and opportunities for early career researchers within ISN we work closely together with each other, other ISN committees and officers. We highly appreciate and ask for feedback and inputs from young ISN members as we see this as the base of our work. This work includes organising workshops and symposia specifically designed to the interests of junior scientists as well as fostering the network among junior and between junior and senior ISN members around the world.
Mohammed R Shaker, Australia
Sara Grassi, Italy
Vanesa Materra, Argentina
Charikleia Peta, Greece
Dilina Tuerde, Japan
Philip Adeniyi, Nigeria