The ISN Committee for Aid and Education in Neurochemistry (CAEN) pursues several initiatives intended to stimulate neurochemistry research in areas of economic deprivation and developing countries.
CAEN provides funds towards travelling to another laboratory to develop new technical or conceptual expertise, purchasing research supplies, attending workshops/training courses/satellite meetings or organizing a workshop/small school.
The ISN Committee for Aid and Education in Neurochemistry (CAEN) offers a range of financial support to scientists from countries with limited financial support who are performing research in Neurochemistry (defined broadly as molecular and cellular neurobiology). Applications for CAEN award will only be accepted from residents of eligible countries, with the exception of CAEN 1D (Career interruption re-entry grant) and 2C (Support for the Implementation of Scientific/Educational Workshops and Small Schools) schemes. View the list of countries that are NOT eligible (updated on March 19, 2023).
Only active ISN members are eligible to apply for CAEN support and to receive support. Most CAEN funding schemes are restricted to ISN Student Members, ISN Postdoc members (up to 5 years following the year the doctorate was awarded) and/or Young Investigators (postdocs/faculty/young group leaders up to 10 years after the year the doctoral degree was awarded). However, career breaks or other extenuating special circumstances may be considered and you should contact the CAEN Chair to discuss any special circumstances. View ISN’s career break policy.
Member Application Criteria and Guidelines
ISN Committee for Aid and Education in Neurochemistry – February 2022, Christian Gonzalez Billault (Chair)
The ISN Committee for Aid and Education in Neurochemistry (CAEN) offers a range of financial support to scientists from countries with limited financial support who are performing research in Neurochemistry.
These guidelines are aimed at emphasizing the critical aspects in the applications and in the evaluation process by CAEN Members. Please carefully read the full CAEN guidelines for applicants on the ISN website
Conflict of interest:
CAEN Members cannot apply for funding from ISN CAEN, however their students or supervised postdocs are eligible to apply.
CAEN members who are listed as speakers/teachers/hosts in initiatives under consideration for financial support by the ISN CAEN, or who have professional or personal relationships with applicants to the ISN CAEN should declare these relationships at the beginning of each round.
Where an actual or perceived conflict of interest (CoI) exists, CAEN members will abstain from assessing or commenting on those applications. In the absence of a member undertaking to recuse himself or herself where an actual or perceived CoI exists, the final arbitration rests with the CAEN Chair who will discuss the potential CoI with the ISN Officers.
If a CAEN member is listed on a successful proposal in Cat 2C, that member cannot access funds from the ISN CAEN payment to the organiser, they should receive financial support via a different (non-ISN) mechanism. This has to be clearly stated in the report on the ISN supported event and the financial budget.
General principles:
Only active ISN members are eligible to apply for CAEN support and to receive support. This means, the applicant(s) needs to be an active member at the time of the application, and at the time the project will commence.
Applications for CAEN are only accepted from residents of eligible countries. Eligible countries are defined based on World Bank rankings. The list of countries which are not eligible is published on the ISN website, and is updated appropriately. Some countries may thus change eligibility status year by year.
CAEN has two main categories:
Category 1: Research, with four sub-categories
Category 2: Attending or holding scientific meetings, with three sub-categories
Not all categories of ISN members can apply to any CAEN grant type. Please note that different CAEN grant types have different eligibility requirements in term of membership status and academic age. Most CAEN funding schemes are restricted to ISN Student Members, ISN Postdoc members (up to 5 years following the year the doctorate was awarded) and/or Young Investigators (postdocs/faculty/young group leaders up to 10 years after the year the doctoral degree was awarded).
Overlap with other ISN Committees:
Cat2C may contain applications that may overlap with or be more suited to apply to the ISN Conference Committee (CC). In addition, some applications for Cat1A and Cat1B support may overlap with applications for support via the ISN Career Development Committee (CDC). For this reason, the CAEN Chair is ex officio a member of CC and CDC, and the CC Chair and the CDC Chair are ex officio members of CAEN. Double funding for the same initiative/project is not permitted, although members eligible for CAEN are also eligible for CDC (with a different proposal).
Before the evaluation:
When the CAEN Chair receives applications, he/she, with the support of ISN Secretariat, will check that the applicant meets all formal eligibility requirements (membership status, membership category, appropriate budget for a given category, appropriate timeline for a given category). If appropriate, the CAEN Chair will suggest to the applicants the proper actions to be taken in order to meet the criteria. Applications that do not meet all of the eligibility criteria will be excluded and not sent to CAEN Members for evaluation. Feedback to the applicant will only take place if the application is submitted at least a week before the deadline.
The evaluation process:
Please, before evaluation carefully read the guidelines for CAEN applications on the website. For Research grants (Category 1), the first criterion for evaluation is the scientific quality of the project. The project has to be clearly focused on neurochemistry, in its broad definition. As well, the CV, qualification and publication record of the applicant is very important. The applicant should have a documented activity in the field of neurochemistry. CAEN will not fund projects of low scientific quality/significance, and will not support non-productive applicants. However, please keep in mind that CAEN eligible countries are very diverse. Some countries/institutions have a long and well-established tradition in neurochemical research. In others, this area of research and the relevant community is still developing, in some cases embryonic. Thus, we need to careful consider the different regional backgrounds of the applicants, in order to ensure a fair comparison.
For each category, there are some critical aspects to be considered in the evaluation.
Category 1A:
The visit by the applicant to another laboratory should represent an opportunity for growth for both the applicant and his/her home institution. The expected benefits to the applicant and their institution should be clearly described in the project and should be sound.
Availability of external funds, in particular provided by the host lab, is a signal of commitment and should be considered very positively.
Category 1B:
Funding for research supplies is intended to help young independent researchers to develop his/her own research activity. The independent status of the researcher is a very important and critical criterion. We ask the applicant to provide a statement of independent status, and the independent status should be as well declared in the support letter from the Department’s Chair. However, independent status needs to be carefully evaluated on the basis of the CV and publication record of the applicant. A publication record with no or few papers as the responsible author is arguing strongly against the independent status of the applicant.
Category 1C:
The return home grant is to award researchers who are moving back to their origin country after a successful and productive postdoctoral period in a developed country. This is a highly competitive category, considering the amount of money allocated, thus evaluation of the scientific quality of the project and qualification/productivity of the applicant has to be stringent. Again, the category is intended for researchers who will hold independent status after returning to the home institution.
Category 1D:
The career interruption re-entry grant addresses a very sensitive need. This is also a highly competitive category, and the productivity and track record of the applicant before the career interruption has to be evaluated stringently. The impact on the career interruption is also a relevant criterion in the evaluation.
For Category 2, attending or holding scientific meetings, the most critical points are:
Category 2A:
This grant is intended only for participation in sister society meetings when not held jointly with ISN.
Category 2B:
For this category, CAEN receives applications to attend very heterogeneous events. The event needs to be focused on neurochemistry, and the quality of the event needs to be documented. CAEN will not fund applications aimed at attending meetings with a poorly defined scientific program, lack of an institutional organization body/and or a solid scientific committee.
Category 2C:
For this category, in addition to the quality of the event and the neurochemistry focus, attention should be paid to the structure of the budget. A significant portion of the funds (typically more than 60%) must be used to support the participation of students.
Additional considerations:
Additional criteria to be considered in the evaluation, especially to discriminate between applications with comparable scientific merit, are:
Membership history: members with longer-term commitment to the society should have priority.
Previous funding from ISN: eligible applicants who have received prior support from CAEN, or from other ISN funding schemes can receive CAEN grants, however, priority should be given to applicants who have not previously received funds from CAEN.
Regional balance: CAEN receives applications from very different geographic areas. A regional balance should be considered, keeping in mind that the research output relative to opportunity may be very different.
1A. ISN CAEN Visit by the Applicant to Another Laboratory
Category 1A provides funds (up to $4,000 US dollars) to allow the applicant to visit a laboratory abroad to learn or develop new technical or conceptual expertise for implementation in the applicant’s research program (and possibly their home institute’s) upon return to the home institution. Support may be applied ONLY to travel (transport), accommodation and insurance. It is expected that funds for laboratory expenses will be provided by the host laboratory.
This category is intended to support ISN Student and ISN Postdoc members (up to 5 years following the year the doctorate was awarded).
The applicant should complete the application form (access below) which requests:
- Letter of support from the applicant’s home institution
- Letter of support from the principal investigator of the proposed host laboratory
- Short description of the project, including the expected benefit to the applicant and their institution
- Curriculum vitae information
- Information on other external funds made available/requested for the same purpose including those requested from local sources. Applicants are encouraged to actively seek additional sources of support, particularly from the host institution.
Upon approval of an application:
- Awardee must confirm the dates of travel with the host lab and inform ISN Secretariat of these dates.
- For the application round ending March 31, this grant is offered for travel after the deadline starting July 1 until the end of June in the following year. For the application round ending September 30, this grant is offered for travel between December 1, and the end of November in the following year. Travel must be commenced within these 12 month periods or the offer will be withdrawn.
- Upon receiving the required confirmation, ISN will release the funds.
- The granted amount will be paid directly to the individual account of the Awardee.
- Any changes to the host laboratory or significant changes to the project require the prior approval of the CAEN Chair before funds can be expended. Failure to inform the Chair accordingly may lead to cancellation of the granted support or to a request to return the transferred support to ISN.
Upon completion of the visit, the awardee must provide a full report (including a photograph of the awardee in the host laboratory) indicating the outcome and benefit derived from the award. A report must be submitted within two months of awardee completing their visit. The full report must be endorsed with a letter from the principal investigator of the host laboratory. The report should include a brief statement (financial report) explaining how CAEN funds have been used.
Awardees are expected to acknowledge ISN in any publications resulting from the funded activity.
Awards will generally be in the range of 1,000 – $4,000 (US dollars).
1B. ISN CAEN Research Supplies for use in the Applicant's home Laboratory
Category 1B provides funds (up to $5,000 US dollars) for research supplies for use in the applicant´s home laboratory. Please note, the funds CANNOT be spent on travel or conference related expenses.
This category is intended to support independent Young Investigators and young group leaders (up to 10 years after the year of the doctoral degree was awarded). PhD students and early career postdocs are NOT eligible for this category.
The applicant (independent Young Investigators and young group leaders) should complete the application form (access below) which requests:
- A brief description of the research project and its significance
- Detailed budget of how the requested funds will be spent
- Curriculum vitae information
- Statement on the independent status of the applicant
- Letter of support for the proposed research project from the applicant’s Departmental Chair
Upon approval of an application:
- The full amount will be paid directly to the bank account of the applicant’s institution.
- Only applicants who are active members of the ISN at the time of money transfer are eligible to receive the financial support.
- Financial and research report (including a photograph of the applicant in the lab) must be submitted within twelve months after receiving the funds.
- The Institution must agree that no indirect costs/overheads will be charged.
Awardees are expected to acknowledge ISN in any publications resulting from the funded activity.
Awards will generally be in the range of $500 – $5,000 (US dollars).
1C. ISN CAEN “Return Home Grant”
Category 1C grants provide funds (up to $10,000 US dollars) to Young Investigators (postdocs/faculty/young group leaders up to 10 years after the year of the doctoral degree was awarded) who are committed ISN members and are moving from a highly successful postdoctoral position in a developed country to an eligible country, to undertake research in Neurochemistry.
This category is intended to support successful independent Young Investigators and young group leaders (up to 10 years after the year of the doctoral degree was awarded). PhD students and early career postdocs are NOT eligible for this category. Support is limited to investigators with an independent status at their home institution.
The applicant should complete the application form (access below) which requests:
- The applicant is expected to be towards the end of a postdoctoral position in a developed country and moving to an eligible country.
- IMPORTANT: APPLICANTS WHO HAVE ALREADY RETURNED TO THEIR RETURN HOME COUNTRY ARE INELIGIBLE TO APPLY. However, they can return home between submitting the application form and receiving the grant funds.(Note: If you have already returned home then you are eligible for the CAEN Category 1B grants which offer a source of funds for research supplies up to $5,000 US dollars.)
- At the time of application, candidates are required to have a commitment from a host institution for a potential position and laboratory space and support from the Departmental Chair where they would be initiating their activities.
The Category 1C application form (access below) requests:
- A brief description of the research project and its significance
- Detailed budget of how the requested funds will be spent
- Curriculum vitae information
- Letter of support from the applicant’s future Departmental Chair in the eligible country
- Letter of recommendation from the head of the applicant’s laboratory in the developed country
Upon approval of an application:
- 80% of the amount granted will be transferred to a bank account of the applicant’s institution.
- The remaining 20% will be released after a full research and financial report (including a photograph of the successful applicant in the lab) has been submitted by the applicant and it is approved by the ISN CAEN Chair.
- Only applicants who are active members of the ISN at the time of money transfer are eligible to receive the financial support.
- Reports must be submitted within twelve months after receiving the initial payment.
- The Institution must agree that no indirect costs/overheads will be charged.
Awardees are expected to acknowledge ISN in any publications resulting from the funded activity.
Awards will generally be up to 10,000 (US dollars).
1D. ISN CAEN Career Interruption Re-entry Grant
Category 1D grants provide funds (up to $10,000 US dollars) to support the return to an active research career of high-quality researchers, working in the field of neurochemistry, who have experienced significant career interruptions as a result of childbirth, career responsibilities or a major illness. This is a highly competitive scheme. Applicants must demonstrate an excellent track record in neurochemistry research, and that they were a productive and internationally competitive researcher prior to the career interruption. The funds can be used for research supplies, and/or salary support for the researcher or a staff/student member of their group.
This category is intended to support successful senior researchers. PhD students and early career postdocs are NOT eligible for this category.
Eligibility Criteria:
- The career interruption would generally be of the order of approximately 12 months or longer, although other timeframes of interruption will be considered (i.e. regular interruptions over a number of years).
- Applicants need to demonstrate how the career interruption impacted upon their research (i.e. loss of funding, loss of position/lab members, significant decrease in productivity, etc).
- Applicants must have been an active ISN member prior to the career interruption and at the time of application.
The Category 1D application form (below) requests:
- Description of the career interruption and its impact on research output.
- Description of research activities before the career interruption.
- Curriculum vitae information.
- Letter from the applicant’s Departmental Chair confirming the impact of the career interruption upon the applicant.
- Letter of support from the applicant’s current or proposed Departmental Chair confirming the applicant’s position in the department and that the necessary laboratory space and infrastructure support will be provided to the applicant.
- Description of the research project to be supported by the funds, and the applicant’s career plans.
- Detailed budget describing how the requested funds will be spent.
Upon approval of an application:
- 80% of the amount granted will be transferred to a bank account of the applicant’s institution.
- Remaining 20% will be released by submitting a full research and financial report (including a photograph of the successful applicant) that is approved by the ISN CAEN Chair.
- Only applicants who are active members of the ISN at the time of money transfer are eligible to receive the financial support.
- Reports must be submitted within twelve months of receiving the initial payments.
- The institution must agree that no indirect costs/overheads will be charged.
Awardees are expected to acknowledge ISN in any publications resulting from the funded activity.
Awards will generally be up to 10’000.00 (US dollars), for one year.
2A. ISN CAEN Travel Awards for Individuals to Scientific Meetings of ISN Sister Societies
Category 2A provides a limited number of travel awards to attend meetings of the ISN Sister Societies (APSN, ASN or ESN) when these meetings are not being held jointly with ISN.
This category is intended for ISN Student Members and ISN Postdoc Members (up to 5 years following the year the doctorate was awarded).
To be eligible for funding, the meeting must not commence within 2 months of a CAEN committee deadline but should commence within the 6 months after the deadline. Acceptance of attendance at a meeting does not necessarily imply eligibility for funding
Applicants MUST be active members of ISN at the time of application and at the time the meeting is held.
Exclusion criteria:
- Applications for travel to a joint meeting of ISN with a Sister Society will not be considered by CAEN, since such travel fellowships are reviewed and approved by a separate ISN committee.
- Batch applications will not be accepted. Applications to attend sister society meetings will be judged on their individual merit. Each applicant must apply individually and not through a meeting organizer.
The Category 2A application form (below) requests:
- Name, location and dates of the meeting
- Letter of support from the applicant’s home institution
- Detailed budget of expenses for which funds are requested
- Title and type (i.e., oral, poster, etc.) of presentation the applicant will make of their research
- The expected benefit to the applicant and their institution
- Curriculum vitae information
- Letter of acceptance from the meeting organizers
- Proposed/submitted abstract of the presentation
Upon approval of an application:
- A letter of acceptance from the meeting organizers is required before the funds are released.
- The granted amount will be paid directly to the individual account of the Awardee.
Awardees must provide a short report on their experiences at the meeting containing a photograph of themselves at the relevant meeting attended (must be submitted within two months after completing the conference)
Awards will generally be in the range of $250 – $2,000 (US dollars).
2B. ISN CAEN Support for Participation by Individuals in Scientific Workshops/Training Courses/Satellite meetings in Developed or Developing Countries
Category 2B Grants provide funds to support for those from eligible countries to attend scientific workshops/training courses/ satellite meetings in a developed or developing country.
This support category is intended for ISN Student Members and ISN Postdoc Members (up to 5 years following the year the doctorate was awarded).
Exclusions criteria:
- Applications for attending a regular style meeting/conference (for example SFN, FENS) are NOT eligible.
- Travel to events that are not directly related to neurochemistry will not be supported.
- Applications for travel to ISN-sponsored schools will not be considered by CAEN, since such travel fellowships are reviewed and approved by a separate ISN committee.
- Batch applications will not be accepted. Applications to attend sister society meetings will be judged on their individual merit. Each applicant has to apply individually and not through a meeting organizer.
To be eligible for funding, the meeting must not commence until 2 months after a CAEN committee deadline but should commence within the 6 months after the deadline. Acceptance of attendance at a meeting does not necessarily imply eligibility for funding.
Applicants MUST be active members of the ISN at the time of application and at the time the supported event takes place.
The Category 2B application form (below) requests:
- Name, location and dates of the meeting
- Letter of support from the applicant’s home institution
- Detailed budget of expenses for which funds are requested
- Title and type (i.e., oral, poster, etc.) of presentation the applicant will make of their research
- The expected benefit to the applicant and their institution
- Curriculum vitae information
- Letter of acceptance from the meeting organizers
- Proposed/submitted abstract for the presentation
Upon approval of an application:
- A letter of acceptance from the meeting organizers is required before the funds are released.
- The full amount will be paid directly to the Awardee’s individual account.
Awardees must provide a short report on their experiences at the meeting and a photograph of themselves at the relevant workshop attended (must be submitted within two months after completing the conference)
Awards will generally be in the range of $250 – $2,000 (US dollars).
2C. ISN CAEN Support for the Implementation of Scientific/Educational Workshops and Small Schools
Category 2C Grants provide funds towards implementing scientific/educational workshops or small schools in a developing country. It is expected that a significant portion of the funds will be used to towards supporting students and student activities. Applicant(s) will be the principal organizers of the workshop/school.
This category is intended for independent young researchers and senior scientists.
Eligibility Criteria:
The scientific/educational workshop or small school must be held in an eligible country. However, the applicant(s) can be from any country.
Applicants MUST be active members of the ISN at the time of application and at the time the supported event takes place.
The Category 2C application form (access below) requests:
- Name, location, dates and organizers of the workshop or school, an outline of the topics to be presented and the speakers/instructors who have agreed to participate.
- Significance of the topic and expected impact of the workshop on the field of neurochemical research.
- Budget of the total projected costs, and details of any funding being sought from other organizations (all other sources of finance should be clearly stated, indicating whether other ISN committees have been approached for support for the event).
- Detailed budget of costs to be covered by funds requested from CAEN.
- Summary of the proposed number and countries of origin of the students expected to attend (particularly in the case of schools).
- Information to show the applicant(s) can run the meeting (i.e. local contacts, use of conference organizers, previous experience of applicant(s) to host a school/workshop).
- Curriculum vitae information of the applicant(s).
Upon approval of an application:
- 80% of the amount granted will be transferred to a bank account of the applicant’s institution, the host’s institution, or a designated bank account associated with the meeting. Other arrangements may exceptionally be considered but must be approved in advance by the ISN Treasurer.
- Transfer to any private or individual bank account is not possible.
- The responsible organizer is expected to submit a full report to CAEN chair within one month of the end of the workshop. The report should indicate the outcomes and benefits derived from the funds provided. The report must also include a list of recipients and the support provided to them.
- The organizer must also submit an official financial report from the host institute or conference organizer.
- The organizer must also submit one photograph of attendees at the relevant workshop or school.
- The remaining 20% of the financial support will only be made available and transferred to the conference organizers or chairs upon receipt of the full report within one month of the end of the workshop and its approval by CAEN.
- Only applicants who are active members of the ISN at the time of money transfer are eligible to receive the financial support.
- Any significant changes to the program or organization of the workshop require the prior approval of the CAEN Chair before funds can be expended. Failure to inform the Chair of any changes accordingly may lead to cancellation of the granted support or to a request to return the transferred support to ISN.
Awards will generally be in the range of up to $10,000 (US dollars).
Applicants for CAEN funding MUST be active members of the ISN at the time of the application. Only CAEN awardees who have activated or renewed their ISN membership and paid any outstanding membership fees for the year in which the supported event takes place are eligible to receive the financial support.
Before preparing an application for CAEN support, please verify that you are eligible to apply for CAEN support. This may have changed since your last CAEN application. Eligibility is now transparently based upon rankings provided annually by the World Bank and includes countries with World Bank lending status which are classified as “upper middle income” or below. (updated on March 19, 2023). To reflect changing or special circumstances, ISN Council will review CAEN eligibility annually.
- Applications MUST be from individual ISN members and not from organisations.
- Activities for which the financial support is requested should be undertaken in the 6 months immediately following the relevant deadlines. For 1A the application round ending March 31, is offered for travel after the deadline starting July 1 until the end of June in the following year. For the application round ending September 30, is offered for travel between December 1, and the end of November in the following year. Travel must be commenced within these 12 month periods or the offer will be withdrawn.
- To be eligible for funding in Category 2, meetings should not commence within 2 months after a CAEN application deadline.
- Applicants should note that mandatory reports for all previously held ISN support awards must have been submitted and approved before an applicant is eligible to apply for any type of ISN support.
Do I need to be ISN member to apply for CAEN grants?
Yes, you do! Access to several different funding schemes, including CAEN, is one of the many benefits of belonging to ISN. Joining ISN is easy and inexpensive. Please remember that if you are a member of one of the Sister Societies (ESN, ASN, APSN), you can join ISN for free.
Can any ISN member apply for CAEN grants?
The main mission of CAEN is to help scientists from countries with limited financial support undertake research in Neurochemistry. With few exceptions (Cat1D and Cat2C grants) applications for CAEN are accepted only from residents of eligible countries. Eligible countries are defined based on the World Bank rating. The list of countries which are not eligible is published on the ISN website, and is update regularly (usually, on September 1st each year). Some countries can thus change eligibility status year by year so remember to check the list before applying.
Which categories of ISN members can apply? Students? Postdoc members? Full members?
Some CAEN grants are restricted to particular ISN members. As the general rule, most CAEN funding schemes are restricted to ISN Student Members, ISN Postdoc members (up to 5 years following the year the doctorate was awarded) and/or Young Investigators (postdocs/faculty/young group leaders up to 10 years after the year the doctoral degree was awarded). Please carefully check eligibility requirements before applying for each grant..
Should I get a support letter from a scientist who knows me well, or from a very well-known scientist who might not be so familiar with me?
Support letters for CAEN applications aren’t generic recommendation letters. You should get a letter that is fit for purpose.
For each CAEN category, you must get support letters from the appropriate people. e.g., for Cat1A you will need: 1) Letter of support from the applicant’s home institution; 2) Letter of support from the principal investigator of the proposed host laboratory). It will help if the letter is supportive and enthusiastic in its support of what you propose to do but it also needs to contain appropriate and specific information. For example, for Cat1B grants theletter of support for the proposed research project from the applicant’s Departmental Chair should confirm that you have the status of an independent Young Investigator or Group Leader. Please read the instructions which detail what the letter must contain and make sure that the person writing the letter knows what it needs to say.
I am ISN Postdoc member but only two years after receiving my PhD; am I allowed to apply for CAT 1D?
Cat1D is a Career interruption re-entry grant. Only ISN Postdoc Members and ISN Full Members are eligible to apply. PhD students and early career postdocs are not eligible
What are the country eligibility criteria for Category 2A and 2B?
As for most CAEN grants, only resident of eligible countries as defined by the World Bank rating can apply for 2A and 2B. Please check the list of eligible countries on ISN website and remember that countries can change their status!
Is it possible to ask for feedback about unsuccessful applications?
The CAEN Chair is always happy to provide a detailed feedback about unsuccessful applications upon request. Just e-mail her/him!
Do we have to submit a budget for Cat1B project?
Yes, you need to submit a budget, that is an important element of your application. The budget needs to reflect the demands of the project and be well justified. This means providing some detail about why you need this particular item to do the project and what it actually costs. It helps to get quotes or use actual costs from suppliers!
Can I apply for a CAEN1B if I have been awarded a 1B before?
If you have been granted any kind of CAEN support, you can re-apply to CAEN after a period of two years (starting from the date of the notification letter of approval of the last successful application).
To apply for CAT 1A, is it compulsory that the host scientist is also an ISN member?
No, the host scientist does not necessarily have to be an ISN member. However, it would be great if you could encourage them to join ISN!!!
What are the differences between CDG and Category 1C? Can one person apply to both opportunities?
Cat1C grant is more focused than CDG. The return home grant is awarded to researchers who are moving back to their origin country after a successful and productive postdoctoral period in a developed country. Candidates for 1C grants could as well be eligible for CDG, if this is the case, they can apply for both. However, they can only be awarded one grant of the two.
For final decisions, do you take into account gender balance of the group of awardees? Gender inequality is a big issue in academia...
For all of the Research grants (Category 1), the first criteria for evaluation are the scientific quality of the project and the qualification of the applicant. However, ISN is strongly engaged in promoting equal opportunities in science, and gender balance (as well as geographic balance) is taken into due account for the final decision.
If we have been awarded a Cat1B can we later apply for CDG? or is there any delay?
If you got a CAEN grant, you can apply for CDG without delays, the two-years exclusion rule applies only within CAEN grants.
ISN-CAEN Supported Activities 2023
Christian Gonzalez Billault, Chile (Chair)
The Committee for Aid and Education in Neurochemistry (CAEN):
Flavia Gomes (ex officio), Brazil
Caroline Rae (ex officio), Australia
Alessandro Prinetti (ex officio), Italy
Vladimir Parpura (CAEN ex-officio), USA
Constanze Siedenbecher (ex officio CDG Chair), Germany
Vania Prado, Canada
Luis Tovar y Romo, Mexico
Cristina Guatimosim, Brazil
Helena Janickova, Czech Republic
Neha Singla, India
Alberto Javier Ramos, Argentina
Beata Sperlagh, Hungary
Zurina Hassan, Malaysia
Itsuki Ajioka, Japan
Nezha Bouhaddou, Morocco
CATEGORY 1A: ISN CAEN Visit by the Applicant to Another Laboratory
Carolina Facal
Maiara Nascimento de Lima
Matias Garcia Fallit
Tayna Rody Souza Ferreira
Ayomide Victor Atoki
Ibork Hind
Olumayowa Olawumi Igado
Philemon Paul Msheila
Samson Sahile Salile
Tolulope Timothy Arogundade
Vanesa Matera
CATEGORY 1B: Research supplies for use in the applicant’s home laboratory
Chinna Orish
Cleiton Lopes-Aguiar
Elizabeth Finnbarrs-Bello
Luan Pereira Diniz
Marina Zaric Kontic
Tosin Abiola Olasehinde
Carlos Javier Pomilio
Perla Moreno-Castilla
Sivaraj Mohana Sundaram
Isis N O Souza
CATEGORY 2B: ISN CAEN Support for Participation by Individuals in Scientific Workshops/Training Courses/Satellite meetings in Developed or Developing Countries
Samson Olurunnado
Joelma Alves Lucio
CATEGORY 2C: ISN CAEN Support for the Implementation of Scientific/Educational Workshops and Small Schools
Nouria Lakhdar-Ghazal
Silvina Diaz
ISN-CAEN Supported Activities 2022
Christian Gonzalez Billault, Chile (Chair)
The Committee for Aid and Education in Neurochemistry (CAEN):
Flavia Gomes (ex officio), Brazil
Caroline Rae (ex officio), Australia
Alessandro Prinetti (ex officio), Italy
Vladimir Parpura (CAEN ex-officio), USA
Constanze Siedenbecher (ex officio CDG Chair), Germany
Vania Prado, Canada
Luis Tovar y Romo, Mexico
Cristina Guatimosim, Brazil
Helena Janickova, Czech Republic
Neha Singla, India
Alberto Javier Ramos, Argentina
Beata Sperlagh, Hungary
Zurina Hassan, Malaysia
Itsuki Ajioka, Japan
Nezha Bouhaddou, Morocco
CATEGORY 1A: ISN CAEN Visit by the Applicant to Another Laboratory
Danielle Cozachenco
John Afees Olanrewaju
Julieta Saba
Lina Maria Delgado Garcia
Abhijeet Joshi
Fatimo Ajoke Sulaimon
Idowu Sunday Oyeleye
Oluwabusayo Folarin
Oluwaseun Ahmed Mustapha
Princewill Udodi
Susan Folashade Lewu
Ahmed Mustapha
CATEGORY 1B: Research supplies for use in the applicant’s home laboratory
Funmilayo Olopade
Milorad Dragic
Daniela Durand
Victoria Rozes
CATEGORY 2A: ISN CAEN Travel Awards for Individuals to Scientific Meetings of ISN Sister Societies
Kenneth Chiedozie Oparaji
CATEGORY 2B: ISN CAEN Support for Participation by Individuals in Scientific Workshops/Training Courses/Satellite meetings in Developed or Developing Countries
Hidaayah Jimoh-Abdulghaffaar
CATEGORY 2C: ISN CAEN Support for the Implementation of Scientific/Educational Workshops and Small Schools
Carla Caruso
ISN-CAEN Supported Activities 2021
Christian Gonzalez Billault, Chile (Chair)
The Committee for Aid and Education in Neurochemistry (CAEN):
Flavia Gomes (ex officio), Brazil
Caroline Rae (ex officio), Australia
Alessandro Prinetti (ex officio), Italy
Vladimir Parpura (CAEN ex-officio), USA
Constanze Siedenbecher (ex officio CDG Chair), Germany
Vania Prado, Canada
Luis Tovar y Romo, Mexico
Cristina Guatimosim, Brazil
Helena Janickova, Czech Republic
Neha Singla, India
Alberto Javier Ramos, Argentina
Beata Sperlagh, Hungary
Zurina Hassan, Malaysia
Itsuki Ajioka, Japan
Nezha Bouhaddou, Morocco
CATEGORY 1B: Research supplies for use in the applicant’s home laboratory
Report by Dr Omamuyovwi Meashack Ijomone
Report by Dr Adeniyi Stephen Adefegha
Report by Ms Melisa Carolina Monteleone
Report by Dr Victor Rodrigues Santos
Report by Dr Alexandre Dos Santos Rodrigues
Report by Dr Carlos Wilson
Report by Assist Prof Dr Vivian Vasconcelos Costa
Report by Prof Dr Franco Rafael Mir
Report by Dr Verónica Pastor
Reported by Dr Zehra Batool
Report by Assist Prof Akash Gautam
Report by Dr Maria Constanza Paz
CATEGORY 1C: CAEN “Return Home Grant”
Report by Dr Evelin Cotella
Report by Prof Aline Silva de Miranda
ISN-CAEN Supported Activities 2020
Alessandro Prinetti, Italy: (Chairperson)
The Committee for Aid and Education in Neurochemistry (CAEN):
Alessandro Prinetti (Chair), Italy
Kazuhiro Ikenaka (ex officio), Japan
Ralf Dringen (ex officio), Germany
Flavia Gomes (ex officio), Brazil
Andrew Lawrence (ex officio ICC chair), Australia
Shin-Ichi Hisanaga, Japan
James Olopade, Nigeria
Arturo Ortega, Mexico
Michael Robinson, USA
Thomas Karikari, Ghana/UK
Illana Gozes, Israel
Pike See Cheah, Malaysia
Kochupurackal Mohanakumar, India
Neha Singla, India
Andrew Gundlach, Australia
Alberto Javier Ramos, Argentina
CATEGORY 1B: Research supplies for use in the applicant’s home laboratory
Report by Dr Berenice Anabel Silva
Report by Dr Akinleye Akinride
Report by Dr Andre Macawi
Report by Dr Moses Ekong
Report by Dr Akouri Elias
Report by Dr Ashok Kumar Datusalia
Report by Priscilla Kolibea Mante
Report by Dr Dr Bruno Siqueira Mietto
Report by Prof Dr Vinicius Toledo Ribas
Reported by Dr Kunjbihari Sulakhiya
Report by Assist Prof Dr Carla Daniela Cisternas
Report by Dr Ismail Ogunbayode Ishola
Report by Dr Gwladys Temkou Ngoupaye
Reported by Prof Dr Cleiton Lopes-Aguiar
CATEGORY 1C: CAEN “Return Home Grant”
Report by Giriraj Sahu
Report by Dr King-Hwa Ling
CATEGORY 1D: CAEN “Career Interruption Re-entry Grant”
Report by Prof Dr Cristina Guatimosim
ISN-CAEN Supported Activities 2019
Alessandro Prinetti, Italy: (Chairperson)
The Committee for Aid and Education in Neurochemistry (CAEN):
Alessandro Prinetti (Chair), Italy
Kazuhiro Ikenaka (ex officio), Japan
Ralf Dringen (ex officio), Germany
Flavia Gomes (ex officio), Brazil
Andrew Lawrence (ex officio ICC chair), Australia
Shin-Ichi Hisanaga, Japan
James Olopade, Nigeria
Arturo Ortega, Mexico
Michael Robinson, USA
Thomas Karikari, Ghana/UK
Illana Gozes, Israel
Pike See Cheah, Malaysia
Kochupurackal Mohanakumar, India
Neha Singla, India
Andrew Gundlach, Australia
Alberto Javier Ramos, Argentina
CATEGORY 1A: Visit by the applicant to another lab
Report by Miss Ana Cristina de Bem Alves
Report by Msc. Felipe Campos Ribeiro
Report by Dr Olopade Funmilayo Eniola
Report by Dr Olonode Elizabeth
Report by Dr Mazengenya Pedzisai
Report by Mr Ogunsuyi Opeyemi Babatunde
Report by Mrs Akingbade Grace Temitope
Report by Gabriela Ines Aparicio
Report by Anunziata Florencia
Report by Berardino Bruno
Report by Dr Imam Aminu
Report by Dr OLASEHINDE Tosin Abiola
Report by Miss Grosu Andreea-Violeta
Report by Rosas Nicolás Matías
CATEGORY 1B: Research supplies for use in the applicant’s home laboratory
Report by Dr González-Hernández Abimael
Report by Mychael Lourenco
Report by Dr Tovar-y-Romo Luis Bernardo
Report by Tellez Lima Luis Alberto
Report by Dr Murthy Jayakumar
Report by Assoc Prof HASSAN Zurina
Report by Carcagno Abel Luis
Report by Dr Tiwari Sachin Suresh
Reported by Villarreal Alejandro
CATEGORY 1C: CAEN “Return Home Grant”
Report by Dr Kumar Rakesh
Report by Estrada-Sánchez Ana María
CATEGORY 2A: ISN Travel Awards for Individuals to Scientific Meetings of ISN Sister Societies
Report by Mrs Ijomone Olayemi Kafilat
CATEGORY 2C: ISN CAEN Support for the Implementation of Scientific/Educational Workshops and Small Schools
Report by Dr Salama Mohamed
ISN-CAEN Supported Activities 2018
Alessandro Prinetti, Italy: (Chairperson)
The Committee for Aid and Education in Neurochemistry (CAEN):
Alessandro Prinetti (Chair), Italy
Kazuhiro Ikenaka (ex officio), Japan
Ralf Dringen (ex officio), Germany
Flavia Gomes (ex officio), Brazil
Andrew Lawrence (ex officio ICC chair), Australia
Shin-Ichi Hisanaga, Japan
James Olopade, Nigeria
Arturo Ortega, Mexico
Michael Robinson, USA
Thomas Karikari, Ghana/UK
Illana Gozes, Israel
Pike See Cheah, Malaysia
Kochupurackal Mohanakumar, India
Neha Singla, India
Andrew Gundlach, Australia
Alberto Javier Ramos, Argentina
CATEGORY 1A: Visit by the applicant to another lab
Report & Letter of Confirmation by Dr. Mante Priscilla Kolibea
Report & Letter of Confirmation by Mr. Ishola Azeez Olakunle
Report by Mr. Edem Edem
Report & Letter of Confirmation by Ms. Asad Antonela Sofia
Report & Letter of Confirmation by Mr. Bodart Santos Victor
Report by Ms Maria Ines Zalosnik Figueroa
Report by Mr Ricardo Lima Filho
Report by Dr Akhabue Kenneth Okojie
CATEGORY 1B: Research supplies for use in the applicant’s home laboratory
Report by Dr. Fernandez Marina Olga
Report by Mr. Galeano Pablo
Report by Dr. Anastasia Gonzalez Agustin
Report by Dr Thomas Amatey Tagoe
Report by Dr Lucas Sosa
Report by Dr Maria Veronica Baez
Report by Dr Joy Chakraborty
Report by Dr Gilda Angela Neves
Report by Dr Robert Peter Biney
Report by Dr Mehdi Shahi
Report by Dr Francis Djankpa
Report by Dr Dharmendra Kumar Khatri
Report by Dr Omamuyovwi Meashack Ijomone
CATEGORY 1C: Return Home Grant
Report by Mr. Soiza-Reilly Mariano
CATEGORY 1D: Career Interaption Re-entry Grant
Report by Dr Usha Rajamma
CATEGORY 2C: Support for the implementation of scientific/educational Workshops and small schools in a developing country
Report & Financial report & Appendix by Prof. Fakoya Francis Adelade
Report by Dr. Carine Nguemeni
Report by Prof Amadi Ihunwo
Report by Prof Marina Bentivoglio
Report by Dr Olasunmbo Oluwaseun Afolayan
ISN-CAEN Supported Activities 2017
Alessandro Prinetti, Italy: (Chairperson _August 2017-present)
The Committee for Aid and Education in Neurochemistry (CAEN):
Alessandro Prinetti (Chair), Italy
Kazuhiro Ikenaka (ex officio), Japan
Ralf Dringen (ex officio), Germany
Flavia Gomes (ex officio), Brazil
Andrew Lawrence (ex officio ICC chair), Australia
Shin-Ichi Hisanaga, Japan
James Olopade, Nigeria
Arturo Ortega, Mexico
Michael Robinson, USA
Thomas Karikari, Ghana/UK
Illana Gozes, Israel
Pike See Cheah, Malaysia
Kochupurackal Mohanakumar, India
Neha Singla, India
Andrew Gundlach, Australia
Alberto Javier Ramos, Argentina
CATEGORY 1A: Visit by the applicant to another lab
Report by Dr. Jacob Akinyemi
Report by Dr. Olusaweun Mustapha
Report by Miss. Sonia Espindola
Report by Miss. Maria Selles
Report by Mrs. Oritoke Modupe Aluko
Report by Dr. Fernanda Kaufmann
Report by Dr. Sara Sanz-Blasco
Report & Confirmation letter by Mr. Sakoue Valair
Report by Ms. Sandra Zarate
Report by Ms Walaa Allam
Report by Ms Lucila Brocardo
Report by Mrs Lydia Ior
Report by Mr. Tomas Roberto Carden
Report by Mr. Guilherme de Freitas
Report by Dr. Oladiran Olateju
CATEGORY 1B: Research supplies for use in the applicant’s home laboratory
Report by Dr. Olayemi Joseph Olajide
Report by Dr. Mohamed Salama
Report by Dr. Veronica dela Fuente
Report by Dr. Philemon Shallie
Report by Dr. Nicolas Unsain
Report by Dr. Shirley Wenker
Report by Ms. Narine Ghazaryan
Report by Dr. Veronica Pastor
Report by Dr. Veronica Murta
Report by Dr. Tanya Calvey
Report by Dr. Noelia P. Di Giorgio
Report by Dr. Morgana Moretti
Report by Dr. Luis Eduardo Santos
CATEGORY 1C: Return Home Grant
Report & Photos by Dr. Ana Lis Moyano
CATEGORY 2A: Travel awards for individuals to scientific meetings of ISN Sister Societies
Report by Dr. Oladele Abidoye
Report by Dr. Prosenjit Pal
CATEGORY 2C: Support for the implementation of scientific/educational Workshops and small schools in a developing country
Report by Prof. Polycarp Nwoha
Full Report & Financial report by Dr Ismael Galve‐Roperh
ISN-CAEN Supported Activities 2016
Caroline Rae, Australia (Chairperson _August 2015-August 2017)
The Committee for Aid and Education in Neurochemistry (CAEN):
Monica J. Carson (USA, ex officio)
Kazuhiro Ikenaka (Japan, ex officio)
Ralf Dringen (Germany, ex officio)
Flavia Gomes (Brazil)
Shin-Ichi Hisanaga (Japan)
Luis Tovar y Romo (Mexico)
Elena Avale (Argentina)
Jess Nithianantharajah (Australia)
Hiroko Baba (Japan)
James Olopade (Nigeria)
Arturo Ortega (Mexico)
Babette Fuss (USA)
Mike Robinson (USA)
Lasse Bak (Denmark)
Christos Chinopoulos (Hungary)
CATEGORY 1A: Visit by the applicant to another lab
Report by Miss Pamela Adami
Report by Mr. Philip Adeniyi
Report by Mr. Felipe Ribeiro Campos
Report by Dr. Gabriel Olaiya Omotoso
Report by Miss. Rafaella Araújo Gonçalves da Silva
Report by Dr. Francis Olaolorun
Report by Miss. Stella Célio Junqueira
Report by Miss. Marta da Cunha Rodrigues
Report by Mr. Ivan De Luca Domith Gallo
Report by Dr. Bruno Mietto
Report by Miss Khairunissa Ramli
Report by Mr. Mauricio Oliveira
CATEGORY 1B: Research supplies for use in the applicant’s home laboratory
Report by Mr. Pablo Barcelona
Report by Dr. Lionel Muller Igaz
Report by Dr. Carla Caruso
Report by Dr. Alberto Morales Camacho
Report by Dr. Ayodeji Ayannuga Olugbenga
Report by Dr. Akash Guatam
Report by Dr. Mussie Hadera
Report by Dr. Amos Abolaji
Report by Dr. Elizabeth Durand
Report by Dr. Andiara Espindola de Freitas
Report by Dr. Manuella Kaster
Report by Dr. Mychael Lourenco
Report by Dr. Joshua Owolabi
Report by Dr. Vinicius de Toledo Ribas
CATEGORY 1C: Return Home Grant
Report by Dr. Pallab Battacharya
CATEGORY 1D: Career Interruption, Re-entry, Grant
Report by Mr. Vieira, Marcelo
CATEGORY 2B: Support for participation by individuals in scientific workshops/training courses/satellite meetings in developed or developing countries
Picture by Dr. Vishal Jain
Picture by Mr. Claudio Bussi
CATEGORY 2C: Support for the implementation of scientific/educational Workshops and small schools in a developing country
Report by Dr. Thomas Karikari
ISN-CAEN Supported Activities 2015
Prof. Caroline Rae, Australia (Chairperson_August 2015-August 2017)
The Committee for Aid and Education in Neurochemistry (CAEN):
Monica Carson (USA, ex officio)
Kazuhiro Ikenaka (Japan, ex officio)
Ralf Dringen (Germany, ex officio)
Flavia Gomes (Brazil)
Shin-Ichi Hisanaga (Japan)
Luis Tovar y Romo (Mexico)
Elena Avale (Argentina)
Jess Nithianantharajah (Australia)
Hiroko Baba (Japan)
James Olopade (Nigeria)
Arturo Ortega (Mexico)
Babette Fuss (USA)
Mike Robinson (USA)
Lasse Bak (Denmark)
CATEGORY 1A: Visit by the applicant to another lab
Report by Mr. David Lekpa
Report by Mr. Ekong Moses
Report by Dr. Falade Temitope Eunice
Report by Dr. Ijomone Omamuyovwi Meashack
Report by Dr. Mukda Sujira
Report by Mr. Tinakoua Anass
Report by Dr. Yarur Hector
Report by Miss Amany Ladagu
Report by Mr Adeshina Adekeye
Report by Dr. Gustavo da Costa Ferreira
Report by Mrs Folarin Owolabi Racheal
Report by Dr. Wilasinee Suwanjang
CATEGORY 1B: Research supplies for use in the applicant’s home laboratory
Report by Dr. Juan Carlos Corona
Report by Dr. Maria Carolina Dalmasso
Report by Dr. Cecilia Ariana Frecha
Report by Dr. Leal María Celeste
Report by Dr. Evelin Cotella
Report by Dr. Oluwole Akinola
Report by Dr. Silvina Sonzogni
Report by Dr. Viviana Bumaschny
Report by Dr. Corina Garcia
Report by Dr. Betina Gonzalez
Report by Dr. Joice Stipursky Silva
Report by Dr. Flora Stephano
CATEGORY 1C: Return Home Grant
Report by Dr. Garcez Patricia
Report by Dr. Xiaohui Wang
CATEGORY 2A: Travel Awards for Individuals to Scientific Meetings of ISN Sister Societies
Picture by Dr. Victoria Rozés Salvador
CATEGORY 2B: Support for Participation by Individuals in Scientific Workshops/Training Courses/Satellite meetings in Developed or Developing Countries
Picture by Dr. Pardeep Kumar
Report and Pictures by Dr. Javier Ramos
CATEGORY 2C: Support to organise Scientific / Educational Workshops / Small Schools
Report & Pictures by Prof. Pasquini Juana
Report by Dr. Matthieu Louis
ISN-CAEN Supported Activities 2014
Prof. Roberto Cappai, Australia (Chairperson_August 2013-August 2015)
The Committee for Aid and Education in Neurochemistry (CAEN):
Alois Saria (Austria, ex officio)
Monica Carson (USA, ex officio)
Kazuhiro Ikenaka (Japan, ex officio)
Alessandro Printetti (Italy)
Flavia Gomes (Brazil)
Piyarat Govitrapong (Thailand)
Caroline Rae (Australia)
Ralf Dringen (Germany)
Amadi Ihunwo (South Africa)
Lourdes Massieu (Mexico)
Marco Prado (Canada)
Shin-Ichi Hisanaga (Japan)
CATEGORY 1A: Visit by the applicant to another lab
Report & Pictures by Mr. Okjie Akhabue Kenneth
Report by Dr. Shampa Ghosh
Report by Ms. Mariana Oksdath
Report by Mr. Mychael Lourenco
Report by Dr. Olumayowa Olawumi Igado
Report by Ms. Maria Laura Bertoldi
Report & Picture by Mr. Julián Esteban Sáez Ardura
Report by Mr. Olayemi Joseph Olajide
Report by Mr. Alvaro Nieto
Report by Mr. Patricio Casanova
Report by Dr. Adedunsola Obasa
Report by Mr. Charles Oyinbo
Report by Ms. Danielle Beckman
Report by Ms. Maria Cadena
Report by Miss. Prapimpun Wongchitrat
CATEGORY 1B: Research supplies for use in the applicant’s home laboratory
Report by Dr. Alexandre Rodrigues
Report by Dr. Chand Basha Davuljigari
Report by Dr. Mrs. Georgina Renard
Report by Prof. Camila Scorticati
Report by Dr. Maria Alejandra Lopez Verrilli
Report by Dr. Ximena Caeiro
Report by Dr. Abel Carcagno
Report by Dr. Juan Orellana
Report by Dr. Wael Mohamed
CATEGORY 1C: Return Home Grant
Report by Dr. Lucas Sosa
Report & Financial Report by Dr. Amitabha Majumdar
Report by Dr. Sara Sanz-Blasco
Report and Picture by Dr. Nicolás Unsain
Report by Dr. Helena Iturvides Cimarosti
Report by Dr. Agustin Anastasia
CATEGORY 2A: Travel awards for individuals to scientific meetings of ISN Sister Societies (formerly 2C)
Picture by Dr. Asem Singh
Picture by Dr. Prapimpun Wongchitrat
CATEGORY 2B: Support for participation by individuals in scientific workshops/training courses/satellite meetings in developed or developing countries (formerly 2D)
Picture by Ms. Antonella Pollano
Picture by Ms.Melisa Monteleone
Picture by Dr. Laura Belluscio
CATEGORY 2C: Support for the implementation of scientific/educational Workshops and small schools in a deeloping country (formerly 2E)
ISN-CAEN Supported Activities 2013
Prof. Roberto Cappai, Australia (Chairperson_August 2013-August 2015)
The Committee for Aid and Education in Neurochemistry (CAEN):
Alois Saria (Austria, ex officio)
Monica Carson (USA, ex officio)
Kazuhiro Ikenaka (Japan, ex officio)
Alessandro Printetti (Italy)
Flavia Gomes (Brazil)
Piyarat Govitrapong (Thailand)
Caroline Rae (Australia)
Ralf Dringen (Germany)
Amadi Ihunwo (South Africa)
Lourdes Massieu (Mexico)
Marco Prado (Canada)
Shin-Ichi Hisanaga (Japan)
CATEGORY 1A: Research _Visit by the applicant to another lab
Report by Mr. Ivan Mestres
Report by Dr. Olanrewaju Fatola
Report & Pictures & Poster by Mr. Afolayan Gbenga
Report by Mr. Okojie Akhabue Kenneth
Report & Picture by Mr. Victor Danelon
Report & Movie by Mr. Nicolas Fuenzalida – Uribe
Report by Ms. Mariana Oksdath Mansilla
Report & Poster by Dr. Idris Ayodeji Azeez
CATEGORY 1B: Research Supplies for use in the applicant’s home laboratory
Report by Dr. Llira-De León
Report by Dr. Narine Ghazaryan
CATEGORY 1C: Return Home Grant
Report by Dr. Luis B. Tovar y Romo
Report by Dr. Mariela Chertoff
Report by Dr. Silvina Diaz
Report by Dr. Elena Avale
Report by Dr. Bruno Rezende Souza
CATEGORY 1D: Career Interruption
Report by Dr. Veronica Perez de la Cruz
CATEGORY 2C: Travel awards for individuals to attend scientific meetings of ISN sister societies
Report by Ms. Zila Martinez-Lozada
CATEGORY 2D:Support for participation by individuals in scientific workshops in developed countries
Report by Ms. Evelin Cotella
CATEGORY 2E: Support for the implementation of scientific / educational workshops and small schools
Report by Dr. Arturo Romano & Report by Dr James Olopade
Report by Dr. Mohamed Salama
ISN-CAEN Supported Activities 2012
Prof. Vilma Martin (Chairperson_December 2011-April 2013)
The Committee for Aid and Education in Neurochemistry (CAEN):
Mike Cousin (UK)
Alfreda Stadlin (Saudi Arabia)
Anne Boullerne (USA)
Roberto Cappai (Australia)
Ralf Dringen (Germany)
Amadi Ihunwo (South Africa)
Lourdes Massieu (Mexico)
Marco Prado (Canada)
Akio Wanaka (Japan)
Phil Beart (Australia, ex officio)
Alois Saria (Austria, ex officio)
Monica Carson (USA, ex officio)
CATEGORY 1A: Research _Visit by the applicant to another lab
Report by Mr. Philip Adeniyi
Report by Levi Usende & Letter by supervisor, Prof Connor
Report by Dr. Marianna Astiz
Report by Dr. Laura Ester Montroull
Report by Dr. Valeria Lorenc
Report by Dr. Rufus Akinyemi
Report by Dr. Fummi Olopade
Report by Dr. Mariana Hernandez
Report by Dr. Evelin Cotella
Report by Dr. Jaqueline Rocha
Report by Dr. Yusuf Abdulkadir
Report by Dr. Constanza Garcia Keller
Report & Picture by Dr. Ivan Mestres
CATEGORY 1B: Research Supplies for use in the applicant’s home laboratory
Report by Dr. María Soledad Celej
Report by Dr. Maria Celeste Leal
Report by Dr. Ngalla Jillani
Report by Dr. Alicia Degano
Report by Dr. Pablo Lopes
Report by Dr. Kristina Minac
Report by Dr. Andrea Godinho
Report by Dr. Alberto Camacho
Report by Dr. Ilse Delint Ramirez
CATEGORY 1C: Return Home Grant
Report by Dr. Mariano Bisbal
Report by Dr. Mauricio Galiano
CATEGORY 2C: Travel awards for individuals to attend scientific meetings of ISN sister societies
Report by Mr. Mychael Lourenco
Picture & Certificate by Dr. Ramesh Narasingappa
Picture by Dr. Prapimpun Wongchitrat
Report & Picture by Dr. Vishal Jain
Report by Dr. Adekomi Adedayo
CATEGORY 2E: Support for the implementation of scientific / educational workshops and small schools
Report & Pictures by Dr. Mohamed
Report by Dr. Khalid Allali
Report by Dr. Patricia Cassina
Report by Dr. Polycarp Nwoha
ISN-CAEN Supported Activities 2011
CAEN Committee
Chair – Mike Cousin, Scotland
Vilma Martins, Brazil
Dusan Dobrota, Slovakia
KP Mohanakumar, India
Amadi Ihunwo, South Africa
Ralf Dringen, Germany
Daniele Condorelli, Italy
Matthew Rasband, USA
Peter Wong, Singapore
Phil Beart Australia, ex officio
Alois Saria Austria, ex officio
David Shine USA, ex officio
Category 1: Research
A: Visit by the applicant to another lab:
Report by Ms. Noelia Paula Di Giorgio
Report by Ms. Silvina Andrea Ceriani
Report by Mr. Kumar Sinha
Report by Ms. Noches
Report by Mr. Jayaraman
Report by Mr. Bhattacharya
Report by Dr. Sanya
Report by Dr. Kimani
Report by Dr. Diaz
Report by Dr.Temoku
B: Research supplies for use in the applicant’s home laboratory:
Report by Dr. Hajj
Report by Dr. Perez De La Cruz
Report by Dr. Lopes
Report by Dr. Ferreria
Report by Dr. Waseem
Report by Njemanze
Category 2: Attending or holding scientific meetings
C. Travel awards for individuals to scientific meetings of ISN Sister Societies
Report by Mr. Aviles-Reyes
Poster by Dr. Dalmasso
Poster by Dr. Rajamma
Report by Dr. Patzke
D. Support for participation by individuals in scientific workshops in developed countries
Report by Dr. Castello
Report by Dr. Falliace
Acknowledgement by Dr. Paul
Report by Dr. Sinha
E. Support for the implementation of scientific/educational Workshops and small schools
ISN-CAEN Supported Activities 2010
CAEN Committee
Chair – Mike Cousin, Scotland
Vilma Martins, Brazil
Dusan Dobrota, Slovakia
KP Mohanakumar, India
Amadi Ihunwo, South Africa
Ralf Dringen, Germany
Daniele Condorelli, Italy
Matthew Rasband, USA
Peter Wong, Singapore
Phil Beart Australia, ex officio
Alois Saria Austria, ex officio
David Shine USA, ex officio
Category 1: Research
A: Visit by the applicant to another lab:
Report by Mrs. El Mlili
Report by Dr. Araya
Report by Dr. Ardover
Report by Dhanarajan
Report by Dr. Olude
B: Research supplies for use in the applicant’s home laboratory:
Category 2: Attending or holding scientific meetings
C: Travel awards for individuals to scientific meetings of ISN Sister Societies
Poster by Dr.Boontem
Poster by Dr.Chatchaisak
Poster by Dr. Dys
Poster by Dr. Ibanez
Poster by Dr. Macchione
Poster by Dr. Twari
Poster by Dr. P. Kumar
Poster by Dr. R. Kumar
Poster by Dr. Ruksee
Poster by Dr. Stiban
Poster by Dr. Talkoka
ISN-CAEN Supported Activities 2008-2009
This brief report covers the activities of the Committee for Aid and Education in Neurochemistry (CAEN) of the International Society for Neurochemistry for 2008-2009, during which 17 grants were awarded to scientists from 13 countries in four continents. All the applications received by CAEN from 2008 to date were analyzed in detail by the Committee members: Phil Beart (Australia, ex officio), Roger Butterworth (Canada), Daniele Condorelli (Italy), Michael Cousin (UK), Ralf Dringen (Germany), Agustina Garcia (Spain, ex officio), Leszek Kaczmarek (Poland), Daniel Desire Tshala-Katum-Katumbay (Congo-USA), Mitradas Panicker (India), Matthew Rasband (USA), David Shine (USA, ex officio), Peter Wong (Singapore). The Chair is once again grateful for the active participation of those CAEN members whose agile and thoughtful input made the work possible.
Prof. Dr Francisco Barrantes
Chairman of CAEN
Grants awarded to neurochemists from Europe (including Eastern Europe):
Dr. Meri Manucharyan, Institute of Biochemistry of Armenian NAS,Yerevan, Republic
Of Armenia, was awarded an ISN CAEN grant to purchase biochemicals and other consumables. Amount awarded: 1,500 U$D
Dr. P. Petkova-Kirova, Department Excitable Structures, Institute of Biophysics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, was awarded an ISN CAEN grant to be used to purchase a mini-pump and accessories for research activities. Amount awarded: 3,025 Euros
Prof. Dr. B. Hamprecht, Universität Tübingen, Germany (beneficiaries of the award: Drs. Armen Simonjan of the University of Kamo, Armenia, and Gevorg Gevorgyan of the H. Buniatian Institute of Biochemistry, National Academy of Science of the Republic of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia). Awarded an ISN CAEN grant to send hard copy journals and books (Volumes 229 (1971) to 450 (2007) of Nature from Dr. B. Hamprecht´s personal subscription were available for donation to needy institutes in a deprived country: volumes 229 (1971) – 312 (1984) [318 (1985)] and 307(1984) [313 (1985)] – 450 (2007), respectively. They arranged to divide between them the entire set of volumes after shipment). ISN CAEN support permitted the transfer by truck of the journal volumes consisting of 12 cardboard boxes (350 kg) from Tübingen to Yerevan. Amount awarded: Euro 334.48 = U$D 473.-
Grants awarded to Latin American neurochemists:– Dr. Gabriel Ferrero, from the University of Cordoba, Argentina, was awarded an ISN CAEN grant to participate in the course New Developments in Quantitative Molecular Bioscience held on the Island of Spetses, Greece, 10th – 17th September 2008. $500.
Dr. Ruth Rojas Carbajal, Neuroscience Department of Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University, was awarded an ISN CAEN grant that allowed her to conduct research at Clemente Estable Institute, in Montevideo, Uruguay, between September and December 2008. Research at this institute was done under the supervision of Dr. F. Rivera and Dr. F. Dajas in order to learn about two ischemia models: permanent and transient focal cerebral ischemia in adult rats, which are useful tools not only to learn about the underlying pathology of ischemia but also to identify new compounds that can attenuate or prevent damage. A further step in this research aims at reproducing both ischemia models at Dr. Rojas´ home institution in Perú, to evaluate possible neuroprotective effects of plant extracts from Peruvian biodiversity on ischemia. Amount awarded: U$D 2500. Report.
Ms. Georgina M. Renard, Cátedra de Fisiologia Animal, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, was awarded an ISN CAEN grant to visit the laboratory of Dr. Ramón Sotomayor to undertake a research project on “the role of the lateral septum in stress-induced relapse to cocaine seeking” under the supervision of Dr. Katya Gysling at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago, Chile (FONDECYT / Millennium Science Nucleus, ICM, MIDEPLAN, Chile). Amount awarded: 1,800 U$D
Dr. Juan Segura-Aguilar and Dr. Pablo A. Caviedes, Program of Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology, ICBM, Faculty of Medicine, Santiago, Chile, were awarded an ISN CAEN grant to support the Advanced Graduate Course: Molecular & Cellular Mechanisms of Neuronal Damage. Report. Therapeutical approaches, held at the Panamericana Hotel Arica & Resort, Arica, Chile, on April 23rd – 26th, 2009. A total of 37 students from Perú, Argentina, Brazil and Chile participated in this course. Of these, 24 were supported by the ISN grant to attend the course. Amount awarded: 6,000 U$D.
– Ms. Analía Richeri, Ph. D. student from Instituto Clemente Estable, Montevideo,
Uruguay, was awarded an ISN CAEN grant to participate at the Workshop on “Semaphorin
Function and Mechanisms of Action” held in Abbaye des Vaulx de Cernay, France, on May 8-11, 2008. Participation in this workshop gave Ms. Analía Richeri the opportunity to discuss
with scientists working on different experimental systems involving semaphorins, namely Dr.
Klagsbrun, Dr. A. Bagri, (angiogenesis and cancer), Christine Holt, Oded Behar (Nervous System). She was also able to establish academic contact with Dr. A. Bagri. This collaboration enabled her to receive an antibody directed against one of the semaphorin receptors, which will be essential for her future work. Amount awarded: 500 U$D.
Grants awarded to neurochemists from Africa:
– Mr. Samir Ahboucha, Cadi Ayyad University, Faculté des Sciences Semlalia,
Neurosciences, Pharmacology and Environment Research Unit, Marrakech, Morocco, was awarded an ISN CAEN grant to purchase research instrumentation to undertake the research project “Neuroactive steroids: A new target for the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy”. Amount awarded: 5,000 U$D
– Dr. James O. Olopade, Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Neurosurgery, Penn State College of
Medicine, 17033, PA, USA, and Comparative Anatomy and Environmental Toxicology
Unit, Dept. of Veterinary Anatomy, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, was awarded an ISN CAEN grant for the purchase of equipment to carry out research activities on the neuroprotective effects of natural products on vanadium-induced neurotoxicity. Amount awarded: 4,600 U$D
– Dr. Moyosore Salihu Ajao, University of the Witwatersrand, South
Africa was awarded an ISN CAEN grant to visit the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Lipp at the Institute of Anatomy, University of Zurich, to undertake the research project on “the role of melatonin in global cerebral ischemia and adult neurogenesis in Sprague-Dawley rats”. Amount awarded: 4,000 U$D
Grants awarded to neurochemists in Asia:
– Mr. Ashesh Dhawale, Computational Neuroscience Laboratory, National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), University of
Agricultural Sciences- Gandhi Krishi Vignan Kendra (GKVK) Campus, Bangalore, India, was awarded an ISN CAEN grant (2008) to visit the laboratory of Dr. Dinu Albeanu at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York, USA, to undertake a research project on the role of the GABA and NA neurotransmitter systems of the olfactory bulb in odorant discrimination. Amount awarded: 4,000 U$D
Reports submitted during this period
Dr. Marie Moftah, Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt, was awarded an ISN CAEN grant to purchase supplies to be used at her home laboratory to conduct research on locomotion recovery, spinal cord regeneration after lesion in Mammals and Urodeles, constituting the two extremes of the regenerative capacity, and synaptic plasticity through morphological cellular reorganization in neuropathic animal models. Report presented June 2009 (2007 awardee)
Miss Sraboni Chaudhury, a Ph.D. student from the Neurobiology Lab at the Department of Anatomy, AIIMS, New Delhi, India, was awarded an ISN CAEN grant to receive training at The Open University in the UK under the supervision of Prof. M.G.Stewart. During a 2-month (July-Sept., 2008) stay at The Open University, Miss Chaudhury learnt about the handling of electron microscopy and carried out an electron microscopy study on the “Expression of synaptophysin following LTP and LTD stimulation in the medial molecular layer of the rat hippocampus.”
Jitendra Kumar, Ph. D. student at the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS-TIFR), Bangalore India, was awarded an ISN CAEN grant to pay a 3-month visit (in 2008) to Dr. Dieter Klopfenstein´s laboratory at George August University in Göttingen, Germany, to carry out research on the role of specific residues in the PH domain identified in vivo to UNC-104 function.
Dr. Alexandra Latini, Centro de Ciências Biológicas Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis – SC, Brazil, was awarded an ISN CAEN grant to visit scientific centres in Austria in 2008. During the first two weeks of her stay in Austria, Dr. Latini followed two courses on mitochondrial function held in Schroecken under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Erich Gnaiger in collaboration with the Mitochondrial Physiology Society. Dr. Latini also visited Prof. Dr. Erich Gnaiger´s laboratory at the Swarovski Research Laboratory, the Medical University of Innsbruck where she carried out pilot experiments to optimize a multiple substrate respiratory protocol (Q-junction protocol) for application to brain homogenates or a brain permeabilized tissue preparation by using the Ouroboros Oxigraph-2K.
Dr. Daniel García, Dept. de Química, Univ. Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, was awarded an ISN CAEN grant to buy research supplies for the project “Biophysical characterization of phenolic compounds with possible anaesthetic and/or gabaergic activity. Pharmacological correlations. Amount awarded: 1,200 U$D
ISN-CAEN Supported Activities 2006-2007
CAEN Supported Activities 2007-2008
Shipment of instruments to former East Bloc countries.
Workshop on Semaphorin Function and Mechanisms of Action, May 2008.
CAEN Supported Activities 2006-2007
Full report on the activities supported by CAEN in 2006-07.
Application and ISN membership forms should be directed to the Chair of CAEN:
Vania Prado
Physiology & Pharmacology, Anatomy & Cell Biology
University of Western Ontario