JNC Young Scientist Paper of the Year Award

In honor of Mark A. Smith

JNC Young Scientist Paper of the Year Award

In Honor of Mark A. Smith

The award pays tribute to Mark’s long service to the Journal as a Handling Editor and Deputy Chief Editor, Reviews. Tragically, Mark was killed in a vehicle accident on December 19, 2010. This annual award is in recognition of the contribution of an outstanding young scientist to an exceptional research paper published in the Journal of Neurochemistry.

If the first author is up to 8 years into their scientific career post PhD, taking into account career disruption in accordance with the ISN Career Break Policy, the manuscript will be eligible for the Young Scientist Paper of the Year Award. Eligibility is limited to sole first authors who have contributed the majority of the work in the paper. In accordance with JNC and ISN values of diversity, equity, and inclusion, authors from under-represented communities are particularly encouraged to submit their work to JNC for consideration. Qualifying articles will be assessed for scientific quality and rigor, methodology, data sharing, and open science practices. The Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Editor-in-Chief along with the Senior Editors select the winning paper from all the qualifying articles in the Journal of Neurochemistry in the award year. This is based on aggregate scores and ranks from all participating editors who assess every eligible paper.


See the winners

The 2010 Mark A. Smith Prize Winner

Congratulations to Jennie Cederholm for Conformational changes in extracellular loop two associated with signal transduction in the glycine receptorJ. Neurochem. 115, 1245-1255. Jennie M. E. Cederholm, Nathan L. Absalom, Silas Sugiharto, Renate Griffith, Peter R. Schofield and Trevor M. Lewis (2010).