Room: Hall A – Plenary Hall

Chairs: Nina Vardjan (Slovenia), Mary C. McKenna (United States)
Neal Devaraj (United States)
Innovative Bioconjugation Techniques Developed to Study Lipids and Lipid Modifications within Living Cells
Natsumi Ageta-Ishihara (Japan)
Lipidation States Orchestrate CLICK-III/CaMKIγ‘s Stepwise Association with Golgi and Rafts-Enriched Membranes, and Specify its Functional Coupling to STEF-Rac1-Dependent Neurite Extension
Frederic Andre Meunier (Australia)
Greasing the wheel of memory via a novel phospholipase A1 pathway
Nina Vardjan (Slovenia)
Lipid Droplets: a Hallmark of Astrocyte Stress Response

Event Timeslots (1)

Thursday – 21.08.24