ISN-ASN 2025 Scientific Program Outline
Tuesday - 19.08.24
Opening Ceremony
PL01 Plenary Session - Magdalena Götz
EGLS01: Emerging Group Leaders Symposia
EGLS02: Emerging Group Leaders Symposia
EGLS03: Emerging Group Leaders Symposia
EGLS04: Emerging Group Leaders Symposia
Coffee Break / Poster Viewing A/ Exhibition
S04 T#5 Maternal Immune Activation and the Embryonic Brain Development
S03 T#4 ASN Jordi Folch Pi Award - Emerging approaches to translate neurological disease mechanisms to the clinic
S02 T#3 Immune dysregulation and clinical heterogeneity in Parkinson’s disease
S01 T#15 Pain, Emotion, and Drugs: Short-Circuiting the Nervous System
Lunch Break
S05 T#9 Advanced experimental cellular in vivo models of neurodegeneration
S07 T#2 AMPA Receptors in Health and Disease
S08 T#10 Molecular Disease Mechanisms of Motor Neuron Disease
S06 T#4 Beyond adapter functions - tRNA and tRNA fragments in the CNS
ISN History Symposium - The History of the International Societies for Neurochemistry
Poster session A
Welcome Reception
Wednesday - 20.08.24
PL02 Plenary Session - Ana Belén Elgoyhen
JNC Young Scientist Paper of the Year Award
YMS01 Young Members Symposia:
YMS02 Young Members Symposia:
YMS03 Young Members Symposia:
YMS04 Young Members Symposia:
Coffee Break / Poster Viewing B/ Exhibition
Symposium in honor of Arne Schousboe and his contributions to Neurochemistry
S12 T#4 Synaptic proteostasis in health and disease
S11 T#13 Lipids in the Brain: Implications for Normal and Pathological Brain Function
S10 T#7 New roles of synaptic plasticity in brain function
S09 T#9 New mechanisms and therapeutic approaches to enhance remyelination
Lunch Break
S13 T#10 Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms for Stress-related Memory and Psychiatric Disorders
S14 T#4 Ectodomain shedding, an emerging mechanism involved in the pathophysiology of brain disorders
S16 T#2 Spatiotemporal dynamics of glutamate and GABA signalling among neurons and astrocytes
S22 T#5 Novel mechanisms of olfactory bulb neurogenesis in development, adulthood and disease
JNC Workshop - Under the hood: what’s been bubbling up at JNeurochem?
ISN Annual Business Meeting
Poster session B
Thursday - 21.08.24
PL03 Plenary Session - Eric Nestler
ASN Awards Ceremony
ISN Young Scientist Lectureship 01
ISN Young Scientist Lectureship 02
Coffee Break / Poster Viewing A + B/ Exhibition
S17 T#11 Neurochemistry of Extracellular Vesicles
S19 T#13 Novel roles of lipids in the brain: from dynamic compartmentation to memory and beyond
S18 T#6 Novel Aspects of Brain Glycogen: Exploring its Physiological and Pathological Roles
S20 T#4 Redox protein modifications, calcium signals and synaptic plasticity in Alzheimer´s disease and other neurological disorders
ASN Annual Business meeting
Friday - 22.08.24
PL04 Plenary Session - Eunjoon Kim
MVL01 Marte Vogt Lecture (Ana Maria Cuervo)
Coffee Break / Poster Viewing A + B/ Exhibition
S15 T#7 New insights into the mechanisms of plasticity and memory
S21 T#14 Controlling neurotransmitter receptors in behaving mice: new photochemical and chemogenetic advances
S23 T#4 Head over heart: Signaling by gaseous messenger molecules in the brain
S24 T#3 Microglial states and function in the pathogenesis of neurodegeneration
Lunch Break
S28 T#5 Navigating Brain Development: Unveiling the Crucial Role of the Extracellular Matrix in Human Neurogenesis
S25 T#4 Inflammatory and Metabolic dysregulation in neurodegeneration and dementia
S27 T#2 Flowing Neurochemicals in the Brain
S26 T#3 Roles for T cell-glia interactions in CNS homeostasis and disease
Farewell Reception (19:30 - 23:30)
You can access the ISN-ESN 2023 materials below:
Click here to see the ISN-ESN-2023-Program-Book
Click here for the Late-Breaking abstract list
Click here to view the Abstract Book
Click here for instructions for Poster & Oral Presenters.